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The Complete Genealogy Reporter supports all commonly used GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard tags, plus the GEDCOM 5.3 "CEME" tag, as described in the Details section.

Different genealogy programs support the GEDCOM 5.5 standard with varying degrees of completeness, and many add custom data tags to their exported GEDCOM files to support their own needs and methodologies.  Some programs do not export all tags.  The Complete Genealogy Reporter supports these programs in various ways, including compensation for non-standard data and providing special capabilities for commonly-used custom data tags.

The following table describes specific considerations with respect to different genealogy programs.  Of particular note is the ability to export media tags.  If the genealogy program does not export these data, it is impossible for The Complete Genealogy Reporter to include any images within the reports.

The following information is believed to be correct in July 2007.  While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, any errors and/or omissions should be directed to the support email address.

  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Does not support primary media items.  Therefore, by default, thumbnail images will not be included in the narrative. However, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to consider each individual's first media item as the primary item.
  Brother's Keeper
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Does not support primary media items.  Therefore, by default, thumbnail images will not be included in the narrative. However, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to consider each individual's first media item as the primary item.
  Cumberland Family Tree
  • Exports non-standard "ADOP" sub-tags to FAMC tags, instead of "PEDI Adopted".  The Complete Genealogy Reporter understands this non-standard behavior and reinterprets these tags as "PEDI Adopted".
  • Exports standard and custom Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Does not support primary media items.  Therefore, by default, thumbnail images will not be included in the narrative.  However, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to consider each individual's first media item as the primary item.
  Family Historian (by Calico Pie)
  • Exports non-standard _ATTR (attribute) tags in addition to standard EVEN (event) tags. The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides a option to interpret an _ATTR tag as a special type of EVEN tag.
  • Exports non-standard "__PRIVATE" and "__LIVING" tags.  The Complete Genealogy Reporter supports these via the "Report Order and Scope" options..
  • Exports standard and custom Media (OBJE) tags.
  • The Complete Genealogy Reporter includes full support for the custom _ASID and _AREA tags relating to Frame Links (cutouts).
  • Does not support primary media items.  Therefore, by default, thumbnail images will not be included in the narrative.  However, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to consider each individual's first media item as the primary item.
  Family Tree Builder (by MyHeritage)
  • Exports standard and custom Media (OBJE) tags.
  • The Complete Genealogy Reporter includes full support for the custom _CUTOUT and _POSITION tags relating to Personal Photos (cutouts).
  • Permits assignment of "Personal Photos".  Thumbnail copies of these will be included within the narrative.
  • Permits assignment of non-standard family relationships. If a family relationship is specified as "Partners", "Friends", "Other", or "Unknown", then The Complete Genealogy Reporter will narrate them accordingly and not consider the HUSB and WIFE to have been married.
  • Includes an option to flag a media item as "Scanned Document".  These will be included within a separate Documents section of the report.
  Family Tree Maker
  • Versions prior to version 2012 do not export Media (OBJE) tags; therefore images are unable to be included in reports.  (Version 2012 does export OBJE tags and images will be included in reports).
  • Versions 16 and earlier do not support separate fields for event places and descriptions, and export the combined place/description field as PLAC.  Because most users use this field with an occupation (OCCU) event to store the description, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to treat an occupation "place" record as defining the occupation description.  (This option is not required for Family Tree Maker 2008 which now provides separate place and description fields.)
  • Does not export Media (OBJE) tags.  Images are unable to be included in reports.
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Does not support primary media items.  Therefore, by default, thumbnail images will not be included in the narrative. However, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to consider each individual's first media item as the primary item.
  Generations (by Sierra/Broderbund)
  • Exports long texts with CONC tags that do not include spaces between words.  A text adjustment option is provided to compensate for Generations' non-standard method of exporting CONC tags.  If this option is not selected, some words will be concatenated without space separation.
  • Exports non-standard "pseudo-NOTE" tags (e.g., WILL) as alternative forms of a NOTE tag.  A conversion adjustment option is provided to process these as NOTE tags.
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Permits assignment of "Primary Pictures".  Thumbnail copies of these will be included within the narrative.
  • Select "Export to GEDCOM via the Report Generator" to create a valid GEDCOM 5.5 file.  If "Export to GEDCOM" is selected, GenoPro will export a proprietary GEDCOM format which will not include valid marriage information (for example)
  Legacy (by Millennia)
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Exports non-standard "_SCBK Y" sub-tags for media items that are to be included in Legacy's scrapbook. The Complete Genealogy Reporter will ignore media items which are not sub-tagged as "_SCBK Y" when the appropriate Data Filters option is selected.
  • Permits assignment of "Preferred" media items.  Thumbnail copies of these will be included within the narrative.
  • Permits "Picture Description", which is exported as a NOTE tag subordinate to the OBJE tag. If the first or last 10 characters of the description are (Document) and the appropriate "Loading" option is enabled, these will be classified as documents.
  • Permits font styles (italic, bold, underline, superscript) within notes. These are supported by The Complete Genealogy Reporter if "Keep embedded formatting codes within text" is selected when exporting from Legacy to the GEDCOM file.
  • Includes an event description as part of an EVEN tag.  Although this is a non-standard use of the EVEN tag, The Complete Genealogy Reporter includes these event descriptions within reports.  The Legacy export should not be customized to move Event Descriptions to Event Notes, otherwise they will be reported as separate notes instead being included as part of the event narrative.
  • Exports a MARR tag for all family records, unless the partners are known to have not married.  This is arguably a non-standard use of the MARR tag because the absence of a MARR tag (as any other tag) usually means "no details".  However, to accommodate Legacy's methodology, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides the option to consider the absence of a MARR tag to mean specifically that the partners did not marry.
  • Exports non-standard _MREL, _FREL and/or _STAT sub-tags to a family's CHIL tag to signify adoption, fostering or sealed adoption, instead of exporting a standard PEDI sub-tag to the individual's FAMC tag.  The Complete Genealogy Reporter compensates for this by interpreting these sub-tags as corresponding PEDI sub-tags.
  • Legacy supports General, Research and Medical notes.  "Customize" should be selected when creating the export in order to exclude the note categories that are not required in reports.
  Personal Ancestral File (PAF)
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Permits assignment of "Default" media items.  Thumbnail copies of these will be included within the narrative.
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Permits assignment of "Highlighted" media items.  Thumbnail copies of these will be included within the narrative.
  • Permits direct editing of individual and family GEDCOM records.  You may insert "2 _SCAN Y" (or "3 _SCAN Y" for event objects) under any OBJE field therein to designate that the image is a document to be shown in the separate Documents section of a report. (The "_SCAN" tag status will subsequently be shown when you edit that media item within phpGedView.)
  • FILE tags are relative (usually "media/filename.ext").  In order for The Complete Genealogy Reporter to be able to locate the files, the local copies of the image files should be placed in that path relative to the location of the GEDCOM file.  (For example, if the GEDCOM file is located in the folder "C:\geddata", the media files should be in the folder "C:\geddata\media".)
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Permits assignment of "Primary Photos".  Thumbnail copies of these will be included within the narrative.
  • Permits definition of a Multimedia item as "File" and will export a corresponding "_TYPE DOCUMENT" tag.  Images so defined are considered, by default, to be images of documents and these would be included within a separate Documents section of the report.  An option is provided to ignore the "_TYPE DOCUMENT" tag if "File" media items should be considered to be normal photograph images.
  The Master Genealogist
  • Exports standard Media (OBJE) tags.
  • Does not support primary media items.  Therefore, by default, thumbnail images will not be included in the narrative.  However, The Complete Genealogy Reporter provides an option to consider each individual's first media item as the primary item.


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