GedPad is a
line-editor for GEDCOM files.
GedPad includes the following features: |
- Indented presentation of the
GEDCOM data levels
- Hyperlinked record link
references, with tooltip descriptions
- Old and new copies of changed
lines are displayed
- Full Undo/Redo
- Search for text
- Single line or global replace
GedPad is freeware.
Just download and use it without ever paying any fees!
GedPad Pro is an
analytical line-editor for GEDCOM files.
GedPad Pro also includes the following features: |
- Locate non-standard name and date forms
- Locate absent files and missing (or dead) links
- Locate duplicated records
- Locate family records with no parent information
- Bookmark lines to return to them later within the
- Copy, Cut and Paste capabilities
GedPad Pro is
included with The Complete Genealogy Reporter. Registered
users of The Complete Genealogy Reporter enjoy GedPad Pro with
no additional fee. |